Monday, December 10, 2007

My semester flashing before my eyes.

Although I've been diligently prepping myself for the ensuing three finals, I really must continue doing so. However, I am finding every excuse to occupy my person in other ways...including writing this.

I'm really sad to be leaving London : (
Saying good-bye is never enjoyable--especially if you know that you may not be back for quite some time, or ever. Loved the people, loved the city, loved the independence, politics, newspapers, public transportation, musical theatre, having a monarchy...
(You realise that if you a confidante of mine in LA, you'll be hearing more than you bargained for about the UK--so I apologise, you'll need to be non-confrontational and tell me "Enough!")

On the other hand, I am very excited to be 3 days (technically!). And I can't wait to see everyone!! And I'm curious to see what LA/A-town is like again.

And hurrah! I get to have a couple more weeks prowling about Europe : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jeje! Can't wait til you are back. =)