Saturday, July 26, 2008

French Roast

I think I accidentally settled in France rather than England.

By night, I live above 2 Frenchmen who are a bit difficult to live with or around. In fact, a police report may become necessary. But that is an irrelevant and needless story.

By day, at the office, my desk is next to the aforementioned garrulous French gentleman. The other day, I saw that Monsieur had left every 1-2 hours and brought back a venti sized coffee cup each time.

"That's a lot of coffee you're drinking." I commented.
"Yes. But eet ees only part coffee and part milk." replied M.
"Why don't you just get one cup of straight coffee & be done with it?"
"I could but black coffee do you say..." his eyes roamed around the room, looking for the appropriate word. "Black coffee...eet ees...DEES GAHS TEENG!"

His intense aversion and passion against undoctored coffee sent me into 10 full minutes of laughter. Monsieur just watched me patiently with a puzzled, and slightly bemused, expression. The poor man asked me if he had said it wrong, I told him it was quite the contrary--it was absolutely fantastic.

1 comment:

Trihardist said...

Great story :-)

The only way it could possibly be better is if you offered him a cup of coffee, which he began to drink, then spat out while exclaiming, "Deezgusteeng! Eet ees black!"