Sunday, July 13, 2008

Local cuisine

After a rather long night, my Aussie flatmate introduced me to a new recipe...for a chip sandwich.
[For the non-Brits who are still left behind, "chips" are the equivalent of American fries; "crisps" are the name for potato chips; while "tomato sauce" equals ketchup.]

Chip Sandwich

-An order of chips
-2 slices of bread
-Tomato sauce (optional)

  1. Purchase an order of chips from the local chip shop.
  2. Place chips between bread slices.
  3. Add tomato sauce to taste (optional).
  4. Eat.

*Note: This recipe works best the morning after a late night/early morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea. You should try a crisps sandwich too. Crisps instead of chips and dont put tomato sauce.