Monday, July 7, 2008

The Office (UK version)

Today was my 3rd day at my new job! I have a feeling that it's going to work out nicely, although certain signs don't seem to bode well...

When I arrived, I was told by the organisation that provided my work visa that in the UK, people aren't always so friendly right off the bat as compared to other cultures (namely the US).

And they're right. My desk is next to a Frenchman who, for the first two days I was in the office, didn't say a word to me. I could barely get a mumble in response to my chipper "Good Morning!" Today, however, he surprised me by abruptly asking what brought me to London. He proceded to talk non-stop (I'm not exaggerating) for 3o minutes about pensions and the financial situation in France, the UK and America. I could barely follow what he was saying--I'm not sure whether it was his French accent or my ignorance of economics...

In fact, I (who had been dying to make conversation for the past couple days) was hoping he would stop and allow me to gather my thoughts and continue my work!

Moral of the story: be careful what you wish for : )

...Also, the very unique individuals who make up this office are starting to show their very colourful colours...more on this as things develop...


slimpanther said...

What the red herring? I thought this was going to be a post about the TV show. Talk about unfulfilled expectations.

rcl said...

of course you would think that, you media-hound.

: ) sorry, charlie.