Thursday, July 31, 2008

Recently Viewed

A friend called me at work today & suggested going for a movie in the evening. Immediately, The Dark Knight came to mind and I started getting excited.

My friend found the perfect time at a theatre on Tottenham Court Road and we met to catch the 18:15 showing. However, when we arrived, there was a printed sign apologising for the incorrect online posting of the movie times. Wahh.

My compadre was still gung-ho about seeing a film, so I reluctantly agreed to see Hancock, although I had vowed not to ever spend my time on it.

In the first fifteen minutes, the film proved itself to be truly American. The characters were harping on "my son's soccer team" and the setting was clearly downtown LA and its suburbs. There were shots of Capitol Records' spire, Fig and the tall US Bank.

I went in thinking I already knew the predictable plot--and I did--but it surprised me by being not as terrible as I expected; and it had a bit of a twist. I almost cried at one touching point (although I'm admittedly a faucet these days) and it was really romantic in a special way (although I'm admittedly a hopeless romantic these days).

Still wishing Will would produce more impressive projects because I know he's capable of more.


slimpanther said...

That's kind of sad. No... incredibly sad. It's like you had to settling for meatloaf superhero movie when you had planned on wagyu steak. It's criminal.

rcl said...

SL, check your grammar : )

slimpanther said...

Uhg. Did I really write that? My bad.

I guess you also noticed for a while that you and Stuart were using the same template, and had the same Hancock image up. That wasn't cool at all. Good thing his blog looks different (and awesome) now.

rcl said...

i think by different, you mean *ahem* better. i'll have you know, i aspire to be status quo.