Thursday, September 20, 2007

Visit to the Queen

Although I called in on Her Majesty, she was out on holiday : )

So we got to take a tour of Buckingham Palace while it's open for the season. From what I understand, the palace closes in 10 days. I could mention a lot of the history I learned, but I'll just show pictures from the gardens. We weren't allowed to take photos inside.

This is the lake in the gardens. Can you imagine having this on your property in the middle of the city?

Here's the backyard view of Buckingham. Our professor showed us pictures of himself here when he was invited to the Queen's garden party. He wore tails and a top hat : )

The most 'brilliant' part about the palace is that there's a large mirror in the White Drawing Room that is actually a secret door that the Queen uses! The candelabras are bolted down on the mirror table so that they won't fall off when the door swings open. That's pretty awesome.

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