Monday, October 20, 2008

Himmel der Bayern (Barvarian heaven)

I returned Saturday evening from Munich. It was alternately beautiful and thought-provoking.

The beautiful part:
It was warm the first night we arrived. I wore a light, turquoise cardigan out to dinner and was quite comfortable. It's autumn (for the places that actually have seasons) and the trees were turning shades of red and orange - I had never truly experienced the happiness of "fall."

The food was delightful. I think I ate my body weight in sausages, potatoes and apfelstrudel.

My newest goal is to learn German - I may need it someday when I live there...who knows?

Thought-provoking part:
I saw Dachau. I stood on the very grounds.
I had a long think about it on Sunday afternoon.

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