Sunday, October 12, 2008

Brit Input on a Foreign Election

I received my ballot in the mail!

Doesn't mean I'm any closer to deciding which bubbles to fill in...

This weekend I took a short trip outside London to Richmond. It was absolutely beautiful - but that's not the point.
On the way back on the train, my British friend asked, "Who are you going to vote for?"
I said that I wasn't quite certain yet and asked his opinion.
A woman sitting in a nearby seat poked her head around and asserted herself, "Excuse me. I don't mean to intrude on your conversation, but I just have to say that if you vote for McCain, he's going to die and Sarah Palin will take over..." She continued a very forceful attack on Ms. Palin. We amusedly returned to our private conversation, but I heard words like 'Russia' and 'war' spew from the seat behind us. The woman's elderly companion touched her knee in warning, however, the British commentary continued.
Always interesting to be a bearer of controversy : )
I've made my decision. I'm going to decide this Tuesday & mail it off!

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