Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Heroes Day

Today was a Ugandan public holiday on which a list is published of the celebrated heroes: Heroes Day! Hence, we were left to our own devices; we wandered the city and ate chicken, chips (the British kind), and ice cream.

The most amusing part of the day was a new nickname. Usually, the men on the street yell out "Mzungu!" meaning "white person." And then, as I mentioned before, they yell out "Chinese! China!" to make sure that I feel welcomed as well. One very clever man today came up with "M-China."

"Ni hao" count: 14.
Ugandans are working that Mandarin! Quite impressive.

Tomorrow, if all goes well, we will move from our hotel on William Street to more permanent (and much nicer) accomodations on Kampala Street. Evidently, we were living in a sketch part of town. When we went in to meet Justice Kirabwire on Monday, he asked us where we were staying. When we mentioned William Street, his eyes grew bigger than I thought they could ever be. He immediately asked his right hand man, John, to move us to another part of town - as long as it was above Kampala Street.

We later learned that other students had asked to be taken on a "field trip" to the local markets. Justice K sent them there with armed guards, etc. We actually live in that area right now. Are we gangsta or just ignorant? You decide.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Aiyaiyaiyaiyai... please be careful my love >.<