Monday, November 17, 2008

When Pigs Don't Fly...

Today my receptionist asked if anyone would volunteer to obtain a greeting card for one of the girls in the office who's leaving the office this week. As usual, I offered my services and was rewarded with a "Good girl" as I headed out the door.

I took a co-worker along with me for help in choosing the right card. We stopped at the corner shop and decided that we had to pick a silly, random one - something suitable for our leaving fellow office minion.

I picked up a card with smiling blue cows which seemed to be the right one. However, my co-worker picked up one with grinning pink pigs of all shapes, shades and sizes! Between the two farm animals, we decided that pink pigs trump blue cows anyday.

We triumphantly headed back to the office, presenting the fruits of our successful mission.
Our dear receptionist held the card in her hand for a few moments and said calmly, "We usually try to stay away from pigs and things here..."

(Did I mention the small fact that our office is owned and run by a Jewish woman???)

I took the opportunity to crown this gaffe by taking my ham sandwich with me to lunch : )

1 comment:

Michael Stalcup said...

hahaha, great little entry! i think the best parts are the title, and the very last sentence. :)