Monday, October 22, 2007

Back at Home

As we're travelling about, very often my flatmates and I will say, "When we get back home we'll do this..." "...I hope the weather is good back home." etc.

And we're really talking about London.

I'm thankfully home for these next two weekends. I am rather worn from jet-setting every consecutive weekend : ) although I don't regret any of the trips I've had.

Crossing the street has become easier. I look the correct way now & haven't been hit yet : ) When outside the UK (where cars drive on the right side of the road), like in Austria & Germany, I got confuzzled because I've become so used to left-side driving.

Also, I absolutely adore the Tube and all the independence and ease that it brings me. I can just go to the station and end up in a completely unique part of town.

I think a huge reason why I'm enjoying myself so much is because I'm truly a student here without any responsibilities. I know approximately 19 people on this continent (plus some random Brits) which is so freeing; I can go anywhere and do anything I want at any time. My roommate agrees that it's quite a vacation here.

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