Tuesday, October 9, 2007


So we went to Paris as a USC group.

I know it's the most famous, incredible city, etc. but it's not my favorite. I don't know if it's because I don't know much about French culture, language, people. My only point of reference is Victor Hugo and my adorable French speaking friends (you know who you are).

Anyway, the museums were incredible, so that was worth it. The Musee d'Orsay held impressionist artwork, which I thought I hated, but I really am impressed now that I had an explanation of what it all means.

Here's one of my favourite paintings called "Danseuses bleues" ("Blue Dancers") by Edgar Degas.

The Lourve was incredible.

Mona was there:

The Winged Apollo was present:

Venus de Milo was accounted for:

I've never read The DaVinci Code, so I didn't really understand a few things...

We also were there for Nuit Blanc, which is the night when Paris doesn't sleep and all the museums and famous buildings stay open through the night. On this night, they have a tradition of displaying contemporary art in Concorde; I don't get modern art as a rule, but fire was involved and the whole place was lit up--gorgeous.

Plus, France had just beat New Zealand during the Rugby Cup! People were wildly excited. Horns were honking in the street and French flags were waved. I've never seen more trashed streets.

There were a few little things we saw also, like the Ceremony for the Unknown Soldier at the Arc du Triumphe:

And I climbed the stairs of that little thing called the Tour d'Eiffel.

And finally...
Home, sweet, London : )

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