Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rugby World Cup 2007

Last night was the final match-up: England v. South Africa. To show our support, we all wore red and took the tube up to the Grand Union, a pub in Camden Town, to watch the game on a wide screen.

The place was packed. We ended up standing on the tables so we could see.

Although the British are known for not displaying emotion, their hearts were really into the game. At random or brilliant moments in the game, they would sing in unison, "Swing low, sweet chariot...coming for to carry me home!"

I also did my best to sing the British anthem "God Save the Queen." It's the same tune of "My Country 'Tis of Thee."

At the end, South Africa played the better game and took the Cup. As one would expect from the British public, they showed their disappointment by singing and applauding.

Congrats to South Africa : )
but, good game Johnny Wilkinson.

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