Saturday, October 27, 2007

Vocab Words

Some words that I would like to export:
-Dodgy (adj.): iffy, of shady origins or background. [American English: sketchy, shady]
-Flat (n.): residence that is multi-level and includes seperate living spaces for individuals or families. [American English: apartment]
-Queue (n. or v.): formation used for individuals to wait their turn for a service. [American English: line]
-Pudding (n.): final course in a meal, usually sweet. [American English: dessert]
-Rubbish bin (n.): container which holds unwanted waste items. [American English: trash can, wastebasket]

A word I would not like to export:
-Loo (n.): toilet. [American English: bathroom, restroom]
*Note: When asked my surname at the pub after church one Sunday, I simply pulled out my Driver's License, threw it on the table and walked away. The entire table exploded into incredulity and then uncontrollable laughter. They could scarcely speak because they were rolling on the floor.


Leigh Russell said...

Hi there, and thanks for visiting my blog. I'll try and discuss your question about how I started writing when I do my next Wednesday post as it's a question a few people have raised, and it's quite a toughone to answer as I don't really know!!!

Michael Stalcup said...

LOL rachel... i never thought about the surname thing. how ironic that such an anglophile as yourself should be graced with such a name. :p guess you'll have to wait for some smart, funny, cute, God-fearing British man to appear and sweep you off your feet, marry you, and send your surname to the rubbish bin! =D

rcl said...

: )

thanks cup.

1221 said...

Awww, Rachel Loo.

I can just imagine your flushed appearance after their reactions. =]