Monday, October 1, 2007

A German-speaking weekend

**Beware: Long story**

On Thursday evening, we boarded a plane for Salzburg!
On the way, I sat next to the ringleader of a group of 7 British boys who were taking a holiday to Salzburg and Munich together. As I found out, they had gone to University of Southampton together and were now all in the working world. We had a nice conversation…and then I fell asleep.

Upon arriving at Salzburg’s W.A. Mozart Airport, my travel buddy, Mo, and I walked to our hostel. Once we walked into the lobby, we saw the same group of guys that we had met on the plane! We waved to them and went to the front desk to check in. When I gave the receptionist my name, she started laughing and told me that I was placed in a 4-person room with 3 of the guys from that group. It was a rather interesting experience for my first time in a hostel. I had a lovely chat with one of the guys who came in early for the night. He’s a very British environmentalist. Other than that, I slept early so that we could get an early start on Munich!

Also that night, Mo & I wandered down to the river. We found a little stand that was open and bought ourselves Burenwursts and bread rolls. We camped on the bridge that overlooks the river and ate there. We looked a bit homeless : )
The next morning we woke up early and found fruhstuck (German word for breakfast) at a little pastry shop. It was delicious.
When we arrived in Munich it was quite rainy. Still, we made our way to Oktoberfest—and it was really intense. We went inside one of the many beer tents which was decorated in green and white. It was so crowded that we had to make friends in order to be able to sit down at a shared table. The best part was the pretzel that I bought : )
I didn’t escape from this festival without also consuming a metre-long bratwurst, apfelstrudel with vanilla sauce, and a tasse schokolade (hot chocolate).

The funny part is that I never knew what Oktoberfest was until freshman year when EVK was celebrating it.

Anyhow, we didn’t have a place to stay the night in Munich since every type of accommodation had been booked since July, so we planned on spending the night in the Hauptbahnhof (central station). On the way, 2 German boys asked us for directions to the station, and we told them that we were also rather lost. They asked some locals for directions and we decided to follow them there. The boys asked where we were staying & we told them our sad, homeless story.

Fast forward.
We found ourselves on a train to Agatharied, a Munich suburb about 1 hour outside the city, also home of Gery and Matthias—the two boys that found us at the train station. Gery and Matte are actually neighbors and also best friends from birth.
“Are you sure this is okay with your family?” I asked Gery.
“Yes. My mother is cool.” He replied in his not-too-shabby English.

We alighted from the bahn in a gorgeous German suburb where the stars were shining brightly. Gery’s place was a large, beautiful 6 story house. He and his mother made up a bed for us girls on the couches in the living room—a very welcome change from the cold and wet outdoors. We slept like babies.
In the morning, we were greeted by his mother and 3 family friends along with a huge German fruhstuck, complete with an assortment of breads, cheese, fruit, eggs, tea, and coffee.

During breakfast, Gery informed us that we could take a train straight from his house back to Salzburg, however, we could only buy train tickets from the neighboring city. He said he’d drive to get the tickets, but he could only take one of us along to purchase them since he drives a motorcycle.

My hand shot up in the air.

I got to ride through the German countryside through green fields of white geese on the back of a motorcycle with a German boy. It was really fun. I got to wear a motorcycle helmet and this jacket that he’s wearing below.
But eventually, we did make it back to Salzburg safe and sound. And then, I got to see some of the Sound of Music sights/sites.
*sigh of happiness*

My favorite part about this trip to Austria & Germany is that German really is the language spoken. I couldn’t help but pick up a few words…which is pretty good considering that I went with zero knowledge about German. And now, as a result, I really would like to study the language.


Unknown said...

AHHH BABES I finally watched The Sound of Music!!! And I was like, ooh, I've been there, been there, been there!!

Your time in Munich sounds like it was an absolute bomb! :) How could you have planned to spend the night in the Hbf, though? I told you not to!!! -___-

rcl said...

Isn't Sound of Music phenom? And Salzburg too! This is why I wanted to be Austrian throughout the formative years of my life : )

Teehee, you are a great influence, Megs. I got the idea from you lol. What matters is that I didn't actually spend the night there; it's NOT the thought that counts : )